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2017-03-30 10:41:41 来源: 中原网
Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place is on going now in Zhengzhou China. Today is March 30, 2017 or March 3 according to Chinese lunar calendar, which is believed to be the birthday of Yellow Emperor. About 8,000 overseas Chinese is gathering in the Ceremony to worship their common ancestor of Chinese nation and founder of Chinese humanistic spirit-Yellow Emperor. They are representatives of oversea Chinese, chambers of commerce, foundations, associations of clans, associations of fellow provincials, associations of Hakka and people in charge of the associations of overseas Chinese in countries along “B&R” from over 40 countries and regions across the five continents .

    8,000 Global Chinese Offering Incense to Worship Ancestor Yellow Emperor in Zhengzhou, China


    Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperors Native Place is on going now in Zhengzhou China. Today is March 30, 2017 or March 3 according to Chinese lunar calendar, which is believed to be the birthday of Yellow Emperor. About 8,000 overseas Chinese is gathering in the Ceremony to worship their common ancestor of Chinese nation and founder of Chinese humanistic spirit-Yellow Emperor. They are representatives of oversea Chinese, chambers of commerce, foundations, associations of clans, associations of fellow provincials, associations of Hakka and people in charge of the associations of overseas Chinese in countries along B&R from over 40 countries and regions across the five continents .


    Yellow Emperor was born on lunar March 3 in Xinzheng, a city in the charge of Zhengzhou. So, Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place is held on that day each year. The Ceremony is to popularize traditional Chinese culture and cherish the memory of Chinese ancestors great merits and virtues. Now, it has become a symbol of solidarity among Chinese people and the continuity of national spirit. All Chinese people, no matter where they live, consider Yellow Emperors Native Place as their spiritual hometown. Zhengzhou is not only the capital city, but also the political, economic, cultural, financial, scientific and educational center of Henan province. It was the capital of Shang Dynasty. In ancient time, it was honored as the Center of Heaven and Earth” and now it is also called green city. Zhengzhou is also one of the major hubs of national railways, aviation, highways, electricity, postal service and telecommunications. On December 20, 2016, National Development and Reform Commission issued a document to support Zhengzhou to develop as the national central city.


    The image of Yellow Emperor is a combination of the forefather of Chinese nation and the founder of humanity spirit. Such a realization is also deeply melted into Chinese concept of ancestor worship. The time-honored history and values of Yellow Emperor Culture decided its unique significance; its not only a methodology of exploring Chinese history and a searching of roots, but a value seeking activity to strengthen national ideals, protect national cultural creativity, popularize national spirits and express a nations historical mission and developmental concept. Because of its existence, Chinese people kept seeking values from the history and getting encouragement from their ancestors. With the reproduction of Chinese people, their sense of national identity is reinforced and the national spirit is also cultivated.



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三月三 拜轩辕 Worship Xuanyuan on Lunar Calendar March 3

  Guided by: Press Office of Zhengzhou

  People’s Government

  Published by: Zhengzhou Media Group

  Produced by: Zhengzhou Times


  The front cover of Where Zhengzhou February Issue

  《Where Zhengzhou》三月刊封面  

  The back cover of Where Zhengzhou February Issue

  《Where Zhengzhou》三月刊封底

  The front & back cover of this Issue is photographed by Chen Jing and Ma Jian, which shows the grand occasion of Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place.


  Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place


  Photographed by Tang Qiang

  It is the historical tradition of Chinese nation and the main route of inheriting Chinese nation’s spiritual belief to seek roots and worship ancestors.


  There was a saying in ancient times of China that the dragon looks up on lunar February 2 and Xuanyuan was born on lunar March 3. Since the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period, people began to worship Xuanyuan on lunar March 3 which is said to be the birthday of Yellow Emperor. It became official from Tang Dynasty.


  From 2006 (the lunar year of Bingwu), it was upgraded to "Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place". In 2008, the State Council recognized this Worship Ceremony as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage extension project (No. 480 Ⅹ-32).

  自2006 年(农历丙戌年)开始,升格为“黄帝故里拜祖大典”,2008 年国务院确定新郑黄帝拜祖祭典为第一批国家级非物质文化遗产扩展项目(编号480 Ⅹ-32)。

  Photographed by Liu Yuping

  Over the years, Henan Province and Zhengzhou City actively promote the root-seeking culture and constantly improve the cultural connotation of the ceremony to make it a carrier to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, build inheritance and innovation area of Chinese historical civilization and create the spiritual home of the Chinese nation. The Worship Ceremony has been recognized as a holy ceremony for Chinese at home and abroad, becoming an iconic cultural brand with great influence.


  Photographed by Chen Jing

  No matter how tall the trees grow, they must have their roots, and no matter how far the rivers flow, they must have their sources.


  Henan is an important birthplace of Chinese nation and Chinese civilization, the main birthplace of the Chinese surname and the ancestral home of global Chinese.


  Photographed by Ma Jian

  Studies have shown that among the 100 most frequently used Chinese surnames, 78 surnames were directly originated in Henan and the notable families and great clans of 98 surnames also have their origins in Henan. These surnames cover 90% of contemporary Chinese. The capital city of Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty, the earliest dynasty in China, was located in Henan. Henan is also where ancient ethnicities came together. Ancient national migration brought Chinese civilization to the surrounding areas.


  In the history of the Central Plains, there were four times of large-scale immigrants migrating to the south. Afterwards, their descendants gradually moved to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, the Philippines, Malaysia, Europe, the United States and other places.


  Photographed by Xu Daqiao

  Chinese at home and abroad often began to seek their ancestors from China's South-East coastal areas and finally came to the Central Plains. Since the early 1980s of last century, many people began to find roots and worship ancestors in the Central Plains. Henan has been regarded as the sacred place for Chinese at home and abroad to find roots and worship ancestors.


  The Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place with growing influence is undoubtedly a good carrier for Henan to create a root-seeking cultural holy place for Chinese at home and abroad and build a national common spiritual home.


  Photographed by Ma Jian

  The Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place of the lunar year of Dingyou is going to be held on the morning of March 30, 2017 ( the lunar calendar March 3) at the Yellow Emperor's Native Place Scenic Area of Xinzheng City. The Yellow Emperor is the ancestor and spiritual identity of the Chinese nation. The Yellow Emperor was born in Xinzheng. He also started his cause and found the capital here. Worshiping Xuanyuan on lunar calendar March 3 is a traditional ceremony of the Chinese nation, which started from the Spring and Autumn period.


  The Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Yellow Emperor’s Native Place of the lunar year of Dingyou will still follow the theme of "sharing same root, same ancestor and same source and upholding peace and harmony", and "grand, frugal and well-organized" is the basic requirement. The Ceremony will be divided into nine parts, which are "firing gun salutes, offering flower baskets, washing hands and burning joss sticks, giving a salute, reading worship articles, singing odes, dancing, blessing for China and blessing for harmony between nature and mankind". In this Ceremony, further innovation will be made to the artistic expression at each link to improve the culture connotation of this event.


  Photographed by Xu Daqiao

  With an unshakable will, anyone can achieve his goals. The solemn and serene atmosphere of the grand ceremony demonstrates a sense of awe and order; the profound cultural connotation gives a sense of affinity and binding; the tribute to ancestors and the reflection to real world can inspire our motivation to revitalize the Chinese nation. All these constitute this grand spiritual and cultural feast which is friendly, favorable, educational and beneficial to people.


  Over the years, the ceremony has given more highlights on the “extensive, people-oriented, interactive, multi-level, beneficial and awesome” and demonstrated the cultural charm, activity influence, construction drive and national cohesion, attracting more and more Chinese people to worship ancestors. It has been widely recognized as a world ceremony of ethnic Chinese, an important cultural brand with global influence, and an effective platform for Chinese people to worship ancestors, inherit culture, improve relationship, pray for society, promote unification and seek common development.


  Photographed by Xu Daqiao

  The Worship Ceremony attracts thousands of Chinese at home and abroad each year.

  This year, the Ceremony will invite more grass root representatives. Representatives of ordinary people at the ceremony scene will account for over 90%. The ceremony site will be fully open to the public after the end.


  今年,拜祖大典更加注重邀请群众代表,大典现场的普通群众代表将占90% 以上。大典结束后,大典现场将面向社会公众开放。

  Photographed by Ma Jian

  90 children from ordinary families in Zhengzhou, Anyang and Xinxiang stood out from nearly 1,000 candidates and constituted the children’s chorus that will sing odes in 2017 Ancestor Worship Ceremony inYellow Emperor’s Native Place.


  The Ancestor Worship Ceremony will be organized in 9 agendas. The children’s chorus will be a part of the 6th performance Singing Carols in which children will sing Ode to the Yellow Emperor together with artists.


  To enable more people to participate in the Ceremony, candidates have been selected from the last year. Up to February 10 this year when the final selection began, nearly 1,000 candidates have attended the competition.


  Photographed by Ma Jian

  As the Ancestor Worship Ceremony gains more influence, the pure root-seeking and ancestor worshiping activity has turned into a cultural and economic exchange activity. During the Ancestor Worship Ceremony held in the native place of Yellow Emperor, various economic and trading activities are also launched. In addition, a number of high level forums and summits are also organized, through which lots of well-known experts, scholars and Chinese entrepreneurs gather in Zhengzhou to brainstorm, communicate excellent traditional culture and promote cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.


  During the Ancestor Worship Ceremony this year, the 11th China (Henan) International Investment & Trade Fair, the High-Level Forum on Construction of “Belt and Road” Initiative and Zhengzhou National Central City, and the Cross-Strait Trade and Culture Forum will be held simultaneously in Zhengzhou.

  丁酉年拜祖大典期间,第十一届中国( 河南)国际投资贸易洽谈会在郑州举行,还将举办“一带一路”与郑州国家中心城市建设高峰论坛、“海峡两岸”经贸文化论坛等活动。

  Photographed by Ma Jian

  Make it serve the current development, exert global influence, and push forward future development. In response to the great enthusiasm of all walks of life to the Ancestor Worship Ceremony and to wake up cultural spirit of the Chinese people, the government focuses to build this event in this land full of love for country into a significant carrier that fits culture of this age, harmonizes with society and benefits people and can strengthen national identity, concentrate national spirit, and carry forward excellent culture of the nation, making it a cultural symbol and a kind of cultural memory with distinctive characteristics of the age.


  Managing Editor:Xiong Vivi

  Trainee New Media Editor:Zhang Zixuan

